Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Swami Vivekananad : Relevant philosophy for all decades

 Youth as we see almost all around
…..exhausted with all electronic gadgets, overwhelmed with extra ordinary exploration over burdened with  unnecessary information….following brands, stars blindly ….maintaining of status….busy (unaware about happenings around) with doing nothing….and yes limitless selfeimanic …..heights of stunts  sometimes at the coast of  lives also(can be seen in Mumbai locals)
With immense power of expression……definitely using the right of expression through social media……
Can speak a lot on tolerance all current and burning matters using sparkles of words, can criticize politics….Indians…(no matter…. themselves they are Indians)…..much more……

Lets come to the point….as its National Youth Day Today…..i could relate it with my memories of schooldays by participating in debates and of  collegedays participating in National youth festivals……..
Being a raipurkar its also associate with the Day Bhavan  kotwali chouk ,Raipur it is said swami vivekanand had been visted this place….offcourse Vivekanand Ashram too…..and newly(not actually) made  a huge Idol of swami vivekanand’s idol near Budhatalab(vivekanand sarovar) sitting in deep meditation of self realization………
Yes this is what his conception was for youth…self realization
The word itself a world,
Theory and thoughts given by swami Vivekanand were not for the India and Indians only, but for the whole universe and humanity…it passed almost one century, his dream of universal harmony and brotherhood at that period, has become a main goal for all countries to be achieved.
Essence of education

Swami Vivekananda believed” Education is the manifestation of perfection already in men”.
Here the new term manifestation for education ,that means something already there inside and has to be expressed ,he believed that man have enough potential and knowledge , it need to be stimulated with spontaneous growth. Education should be life building man making not only exam oriented(this is what happening in present) transferring the knowledge is more important rather than delivering effective lectures.

 He thought that the existing system of education did not enable a person to stand on his own feet, nor did it teach him self-confidence and self-respect.
Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life building, man making, character making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library.
 His ideas  and thoughts for women literacy is quite relevant as he told woman should not be bounded till daily household,she should be given skill based education and training.
He advocated for peace education, value education, citizen education , moral education
really its badly needed for so called modern world.

As sister Nivedita quoted:
 "..it may be said that when he began to speak it was  of ‘the religious ideas of the Hindus’, but when he ended, Hinduism had  been created."

To Swami Vivekananda religion was not only talk or doctrine or theory, to him religion was realization, as he said, "it is being and becoming, not hearing or acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it believes
An important teaching he received from his Guru Ramkrishna Paramhansa was jeev seva as he believed Jeeva  is Shiva.
Swami Vivekananda was a follower of Vedanta last parts of Vedas,also known as Upanishadas,earlier only monks were authorized to study it ,but swamiji had took initiative to make it available for common people for this he had to fight orthodox devotees. .  Today very few have access to Upanishads and very few know that Upanishads are the original scripture of Hinduism.
Unfortunately the way of prosperity shown by India to the world has been forgotten in India itself and foreigners are taking advantages of enriched knowledge of ancient India .
National integration
Swami Vivekananda tried to find out the psychological explanation and found out the forty millions put their wills together and that resulted infinite power, and that was the reason of their success. Vivekananda prescribed, to make a great future India the whole serest will lie in organization, accumulation of power, co-ordination of wills.
Don’t we feel instead of wasting energy upon tolerance intolerance and religious orthodox we should try to practice swamiji’s idea for religious integration…for the sake of national integration???
I have taken just few aspects……where I felt to share with….
Strongest part of swamiji ‘s life ,that I felt he gave the idea of modern and young India, in all her speeches and wrtings one thing will be noticed is strength, power, positivity a dream of Incedible India dream of modern and prosperous india in all aspect.
He lived for only 39 years but gave the world a rich and relevant philosophy for all time, it would have been not easy for a common man to manage the harmony between mind and body while suffering with numbers of illness or diseases at a  time, it was Swami Vivekanand who did so with the power of deep meditation and yoga, he lived short but it worthy that is why after so many years of his presence he has been memorizing by his  thoughts and preaching, it is not easy to define his personality or his contribution in any word limit.
 Equilibrium between spirituality and modernity
At one hand Swamiji gave emphasis on spiritual values ,on other hand he wanted to grow the knowledge and science of western world, all Hindu Vedas in Sanskrit as well as science and technology with the good command in foreign language to meet the goal of intellectual development….
In present we are following western culture not western knowledge  , practicing evils of ancient India not culture….again poor conception!!!
 I have taken just few aspects……where I felt to share with….
Strongest part of swamiji ‘s life ,that I felt he gave the idea of modern and young India, in all her speeches and writings one thing will be noticed is strength, power, positivity a dream of Incredible India dream of modern and prosperous India in all aspect.

He lived for only 39 years but gave the world a rich and relevant philosophy for all time, it would have been not easy for a common man to manage the harmony between mind and body while suffering with numbers of illness or diseases at a  time, it was Swami Vivekanand who did so with the power of deep meditation and yoga, he lived short but it worthy that is why after so many years of his presence he has been memorizing by his  thoughts and preaching, it is not easy to define his personality or his contribution in any word limit.